It was a morning filled with a lot of tears and apprehension, because she didn't really understand what was about to happen to her, and whenever we wanted to take time to explain, she didn't want to hear.
Once we leveled with her that it wouldn't be that bad -- saying that she'd be asleep during all of it -- she started to come around.
But, when I went to take her to the appointment, and again when we were getting out of the car, the waterworks returned.
As a parent, there isn't much worse emotionally than watching your child cry from being afraid. Heart breaker.
We comforted her the best we could, and I got her into the office without any problems.
When we went into the first room to go over things, she was quiet and a bit nervous.
Then the surgeon came in to talk to Megan and explain how things would go. After that, it was time for me to go back to the waiting room, and for Megan to go to the procedure room.
One more round of tears and hugs, and off she went.

Pain meds will do that.
About an hour later, five baby teeth had been pulled out, Megan was doing very well, even with two big wads of gauze in her mouth, and we got home at around 11:15 Friday morning.
She was numb, but not sore for most of the rest of that day.
The doctor ordered diet of ice cream and jello helped her spirits, too.
By Saturday she was her normal self, dancing, laughing, playing. She just couldn't eat all that much.
Now that it's Sunday, more normal foods -- at least the softer kinds -- are open game.
We're proud of her. She's dainty at times, but she came through alright.

By the way, there's still time to get on the Eagles' bandwagon.