There's plenty of room on the Philadelphia Eagles' bandwagon.
Jump on, I'll save you a seat. Besides, as a Bears fan, you don't want to see Minnesota win today, do you?
I know the odds of my Eagles winning today's game -- let alone winning a Super Bowl -- is far from a sure thing, but, if the Phillies can win a World Series, then anything is possible.
So, help out the 'JDK morning host, and send a little love the Eagles' way.
When my favorite memory of the Eagles is 28 years old, it's about time for some new moments to cherish.
Arguably the greatest moment in Philadelphia Eagles history: Wilbert Montgomery's 1st quarter touchdown run in the 1981 NFC Championship game against the hated Dallas Cowboys.
Since the Eagles could be eliminated today -- along with a big chunk of my interest in the remaining games -- here are a few other videos that I enjoy from the NFL archives...
Jim Mora - Uh, Playoffs?!?!
The "Miracle At The Meadowlands"
A classic montage of "coach speak" -- and, probably my favorite video of all-time -- from NFL Films.
Speaking of NFL Films, here's one for Jay: A feature on the Raiders, voiced by the legendary John Facenda. As a kid, these NFL Films were the Holy Grail. Still are. "The autumn wind is a pirate..." Between the writing, music, and narrator, it doesn't get better than that.