*** With Dolly Parton turning 63 today, "9 to 5" was a layup for the 80's Escape.
Young kids most likely have very little knowledge of Dolly's music career, and her starring role in the 9 to 5 movie, but they probably know her as one of Hannah Montana's grandmas -- along with Vicky Lawrence.
In case the youngsters out there aren't sure which of Hannah's grandmas is Dolly, she's the one with the bigger...hair.
*** My brother, Rick also celebrates a birthday today. I was with him and several other gents at an establishment watching our beloved Eagles fall yet again in an NFC Championship game.
Yesterday's loss to Arizona was their 4th defeat in 5 conference title games.
Of course, once Philly got behind 24-6, they couldn't just fold the tents and get blown out, which overall would have been much easier to handle, they had to make a comeback, take the lead in the fourth quarter, and then blow the game.
So, we were a roller coaster of emotions.

Well, no one actually cried, but the three rhymes went well together.
There's nothing like a big sporting event involving one of your favorite teams to bring out just about all possible emotions.
When DeSean Jackson's touchdown catch put the Eagles in front 25-24, everyone at our table jumped up, cheered, high-fived, screamed, yelped, etc. Just a great moment.
Within 15 minutes, though, it was nothing but dejection after watching Arizona re-take the lead, and then Philly's last chance drive come up short.
The ebb and flow of a major sporting event.
By the way, there's even more room on the bandwagon now.
When does spring training start?