There are 101 Christmas shows, specials, and more at this site, that are viewable online.
I've been looking for the 2008 version -- this list was updated last year -- but I wanted to put this up now in case the new version comes too late for everyone to be able to see everything before the big day.
This list is pretty comprehensive. Videos are broken down into categories, including essentials, cartoons animation and puppets, documentaries, old school, parodies, sitcoms, and a lot more.

It's an amazing list. Granted, some of the links may not work since the list was assembled a year ago, but if you have some time to kill, or some little kids at home that have missed, or never even seen some of these classics, it's a real treat.
Where else would they be able to enjoy such holiday favorites as the Rambo cartoon, "When S.A.V.A.G.E. Stole Santa", or The Facts Of Life - It's A Wonderful Christmas