Kim, who was already listening to the station when her name was announced, now gets to spend that money at our participating sponsors over the next few days.
Congratulations, Kim.
Please include a gift receipt for whatever you get for us.
I'm kidding. Just get gift receipts for my gifts.
*** Today's announcement meant we were short-changed on the birthday segment. For one, the segment began late. Also, we took Kim's call in the middle of the segment.
Apologies to those that were waiting to send along happy birthday wishes to friends and family. Call back tomorrow.

I know it's tempting to call us to see if your school is closed.
Please don't.
It's usually just myself, Jay, and Kevin up here in the morning. On bad weather days, we'll bring in Sheree -- our Community Calendar and office all-star -- to handle some phone calls, but with just the three, or four of us here, it's pretty hectic in the morning when the weather is bad.
While doing our shows, we're taking calls to tell us schools are closed, then trying to relay that information to both stations, to Jay, all the while hoping that our song or commercial break isn't ending while we're at the copy machine, etc.
So, the fewer calls you make to us asking if your school is open or closed would help greatly.
Trust us, we will be updating the list of closings on the air for you every 10 minutes or so. Just tune in, and you'll know all you need to know.
Assuming we all make it to work tomorrow.

Today is Keith Richards' birthday. He turns 65, and doesn't look a day over 80.
This is either a photo of Keith, or the recent face transplant patient. Not sure.
To honor Keith, we cranked it up a bit on the 80's Escape, and brought you a Rolling Stones song that features one of Keith's greatest opening riffs...
"Start Me Up"