It seems "Satchmo" feels Coldplay's hit "Viva La Vida" is a little too close in sound to his instrumental song "If I Could Fly" from 2004.
Fans of the show may remember "If I Could Fly" was my show's closing theme a couple of years ago.
I hope Joe doesn't read this, because I may owe him some royalty money. Hmmmm, maybe I didn't use that song on my show.
As for Coldplay vs. Satriani, the story we told you about months ago, check this video out to see if you think they sound a little too much alike.

As far as great comedic performance over the last 30 years, there aren't many in my book that are better than Sherman Helmsley as George Jefferson. Mr. Bentley was a good foil for George.
I guess Benedict is movin' on up to a really deluxe apartment in the sky.
*** The birthday tie-in this morning was "Black Balloon" by Goo Goo Dolls on lead singer Johnny Reznik's birthday.
*** A classic from Steely Dan made the 80's Escape this morning, "Hey Nineteen". I couldn't find the video for it, if there even was one, but you can see many different live -- and cover -- versions of the song here.