Stay tuned to the morning show today for all of the latest information concerning school closings, cancellations, delays and everything else -- including weather updates.
And, again, try not to call us, as it slows down our ability to get the info and pass it along.
We'll mention the closings every 10 minutes or so, so please be patient.
American History X Anchorman Big Borat Brokeback Mountain Casablanca Citizen Kane Crash Dances With Wolves Do The Right Thing Donnie Brasco Dreamgirls Easy Rider Edward Scissorhands Fargo Fight Club Glory Gone With The Wind Good Will Hunting It's A Wonderful Life Juno Kill Bill (Vol. 1 and 2) L.A. Confidential Lost In Translation Memento Midnight Cowboy Munich Natural Born Killers Network No Country For Old Men Oceans 11, 12, 13 Office Space Planet Of The Apes Raging Bull Scarface Schindler's List Spiderman Taxi Driver The Dark Knight The DaVinci Code The Deer Hunter The Departed The Graduate The Green Mile The Player The Rocky Horror Picture Show The Passion Of The Christ The Shawshank Redemption There Will Be Blood Tin Cup Unforgiven When Harry Met Sally X-Men