The girls got up around 7 a.m., headed downstairs, and once I got the video camera rolling, opened their gifts.
There were smiles, shrieks, yelps, and a lot of "oh wow"s, and "cool!'s", so I think they liked what they got.
Since I didn't want to get my in-laws sick -- a case of pneumonia really did a number on my father-in-law recently -- I decided it was best to stay home while my wife and the kids went to her parents' house.
It gave me a chance to rest. In other words, cook and clean.
I started to watch Michael Clayton on demand, but halfway through, they came back home. Drats. Another missed opportunity to watch an R-rated movie.
I'm feeling better this morning, and today is kind of like Christmas for me, as my family is coming over for gifts, food, and spirits. Can't wait.
I'm off from work until Monday, but I'll try to throw some new things on here between now and then.
If I hear from Jay about a new baby in the Capron house, I'll get pictures up here as soon as I can.
Don't forget to get your vote in on the poll question.
Talk to you on Monday.