The 1984 hit was Sheila E's biggest single as a solo artist.
She's also known for being a part of Prince's band in the mid to late 80's.
I always had bigger hopes for Sheila E. Think about it. Name five famous female drummers. Name two. There was Sheila E., and, who? Karen Carpenter?
But, as I look back on Sheila E's career, did she really reach any kind of peak in the world of female drumming, or was she just the "champion" by default.
Don't worry, I don't lose any sleep over it -- just food for thought. I mean, it's not like I'm banging my head against the wall thinking about it, or banging my head against a drum, I guess.
*** The birthday tie-in featured Dionne Warwick, who turns 68 today. With it being the holiday season, we rolled out her version of "Winter Wonderland".

We'll have reaction from that game, plus a whole bunch of other local sports goodies for you tomorrow morning on Spotlight On Sports at 9:00 a.m.