Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Show Biz: Wednesday 04/08/09

*** Julian Lennon turns 46 today. He had a few hits in the middle of the 80's, and, I have to admit, I was a fan.

I was only nine years old when John Lennon was shot, but I was old enough to be a fan of his, and of the Beatles. And, as odd as it sounds, when Julian cranked out a few hits a couple of years later, it was almost as if John was still recording.

Granted, the quality of the songs wasn't on par with what John could have come up with, but Julian -- to me at least -- sounded just like John.

One of the songs that was a hit for Julian came in 1985, and it was our birthday tie-in song today, "Stick Around".

*** There was quite a buzz last night -- and today -- about Adam Lambert's version of "Mad World" on last night's American Idol.

We've got several clips for you below.

On the 80's Escape today we played the Tears For Fears version (the original). Lambert went more with the Gary Jules' version from 2003, which was used in the Donnie Darko film.

All three versions, plus one more, are below.

Adam Lambert from American Idol

Tears For Fears

Gary Jules

Here's the Jules' audio with a different video -- kids acting out parts of the song, as shot from above. Pretty cool