Thursday, April 2, 2009

Show Biz: Thursday 04/02/09

*** One of the dudes from Maroon 5 is having a birthday today, so we offered up "Sunday Morning" for you at the end of the birthday segment.

*** Jay referenced the catchy little ditty, "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" after I mentioned today was Peanut Butter and Jelly day -- which I inadvertently celebrated by having already packed a PB & J sandwich for lunch -- and here are some of the many videos I found.

*** Keren Woodward of Bananarama turns 48 today. For the 80's Escape, I chose "I Heard A Rumour".

*** I owe you a "Show Biz" entry from yesterday, and as you can imagine, we were jam packed with Mellencamp stuff, including our musical segments.

The birthday tie-in was actually a Mellencamp song, to help sell the idea of him coming to town for a concert. We went with "Lonely Ol' Night"

*** The 80's Escape was "R.O.C.K. In The USA"