However you choose to celebrate, be smart about it. Jack, as a matter of fact, will be drinking today -- but not driving.
Not sure exactly what it is he's drinking, but I have confidence that he will be responsible about it.
*** As you can imagine, music from Irish bands are the norm today, so for the birthday tie-in, we featured some U2.
Went off the playlist for you today -- always love doing that -- with one of their big hits from 1991's Achtung Baby, with the song "Mysterious Ways".
*** Sinead O'Connor -- about as Irish as they come -- was our featured artist for the 80's Escape.
You may not remember this song, which is kind of the point with his feature, it was a modest rock hit for O'Connor back in 1989.
We played it fairly regularly at my college station, for whatever that's worth.
The tune is called "Emperor's New Clothes".
*** Of course, it goes without saying, there's no one as Irish as Barack Obama.