Friday, March 6, 2009

Show Biz: Friday 03/06/09

*** We ran out of time today during the birthday segment to fit a tie-in song in before the top of the hour.

I had "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" all cued up -- it's Kiki Dee's birthday -- but by the time we wrapped things up, it was already 6:58a, and only two minutes for that song wasn't enough.

*** I'm getting pretty good at predicting this American Idol thing.

Here's what I said yesterday...
As far as tonight's wild card can go to Vegas that Anoop and Megan are in.

Choice three should be Matt Giraud -- the dueling piano player guy -- but since there's already a big numbers advantage for the guys, my thinking is they'll pick a girl for the third spot.
Not bad. Seems the judges thought the same thing, so they let Matt and a second girl (Jasmine) get in.

As far as who's going to win the whole thing, I still think it's going to be a guy (Gokey, or the blind dude), or Adam Lambert.

*** The 80's Escape today featured Paul Simon. Not sure why. Sometimes there is no explanation available.

Maybe I was subconsciously thinking about Flight Of The Conchords from Sunday night, where the show -- which actually centered around Art Garfunkel, but who knows any music he's done in the 80's -- did feature a brief glimpse at the end of Brett doing a Paul Simon imitation.

The actual Art Garfunkel made a cameo as well.

Here's their attempt at "Scarborough Fair" during the episode. Any excuse to get a clip of band manager, Murray is alright by me.

So, whether that was why I went with Paul or not, the fact is, today we played "Graceland".