I had "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" all cued up -- it's Kiki Dee's birthday -- but by the time we wrapped things up, it was already 6:58a, and only two minutes for that song wasn't enough.
*** I'm getting pretty good at predicting this American Idol thing.
Here's what I said yesterday...
As far as tonight's wild card round...you can go to Vegas that Anoop and Megan are in.Not bad. Seems the judges thought the same thing, so they let Matt and a second girl (Jasmine) get in.
Choice three should be Matt Giraud -- the dueling piano player guy -- but since there's already a big numbers advantage for the guys, my thinking is they'll pick a girl for the third spot.
As far as who's going to win the whole thing, I still think it's going to be a guy (Gokey, or the blind dude), or Adam Lambert.
*** The 80's Escape today featured Paul Simon. Not sure why. Sometimes there is no explanation available.
Maybe I was subconsciously thinking about Flight Of The Conchords from Sunday night, where the show -- which actually centered around Art Garfunkel, but who knows any music he's done in the 80's -- did feature a brief glimpse at the end of Brett doing a Paul Simon imitation.
The actual Art Garfunkel made a cameo as well.
Here's their attempt at "Scarborough Fair" during the episode. Any excuse to get a clip of band manager, Murray is alright by me.
So, whether that was why I went with Paul or not, the fact is, today we played "Graceland".