She writes very accessible, catchy rock songs, and has the perfect voice for them, being able to be both sweet and intimate, or throaty and tough depending on the song.
My wife and I saw her in concert about 10 years or so ago, and thought the show was great. Well, it was almost great for me. She had cut her hair, and it just didn't work for me.
But, she still has a very nice voice, and the catchy rock song thing still applies.
We played something for the birthday tie-in that you wouldn't normally hear on 95.7 FM (you're welcome), "Good Is Good".

That's the one where Kramer and Newman try to sell some old records that belong to an old man Jerry is working with through volunteer work.
They take the records to "Blecker Bob's" record store, and the owner of the store criticizes the records that Kramer and Newman have brought in because, in his mind, they're "junk."
One of those albums is a Sergio Mendes record.
Kramer defends Mendes' popularity by saying, "Sergio Mendes can't even walk down the street in South America."
Just one of the many Seinfeld references that you'll hear from Jay and I -- huge fans -- on each day's show.
We played a 1984 hit from Sergio on the 80's Escape, "Alibis".
The clip below is from the classic show from a generation ago, Solid Gold. By the way, Sergio is playing keyboards.