The more I look back on this "holiday", the more dumb it seems to me.
At least we got a great movie out of it.
Although, this fictitious trailer depicting Groundhog Day as a psychotic thriller is much more interesting...
*** Ross Valory of Journey turns 60 today. He's been with the band for just about all of the last couple of decades.
American Idol fans will be interested to know that Valory wasn't in the band in 1986, and the bass player was replaced by none other than Randy Jackson on Journey's 1987 tour.
Yo yo yo, dawg. I hope his bass playing was better than just aiiiight.
In honor of Ross, we played a song you've probably heard a few times, but honestly, has no memorable bass lines, "Open Arms"
*** The 80's Escape today featured a minor hit for Toto in 1983, "I Won't Hold You Back"