The rest of the list can be seen here.
These lists are always fun to discuss, since everyone will have a different opinion. But, I do have one bone to pick with this list: Bob Dylan is ranked No. 7? Of all time? We're talking best singers? Really? The nasally voiced guy that sounds like a goat being milked with P12 sandpaper?
WJDK favorite, James Blunt, voted for himself. Really?
*** During the birthday segment today, Jay mentioned that it was Ryan Howard's birthday today -- the first baseman for the Philadelphia Phillies.
Jay paused, then said, "The World Champion Philadelphia Phillies." Thank you, Jay. It still has a very nice ring to it.
If you're wondering how I reacted when they won it, well, it was pretty much like every Phillies fan in this next video.
See what you have to look forward to Cubs fans?