Always nice to see a good old fashioned con job, as Bob gave Randy a fake immunity idol that Randy thought was real. Expecting to be voted out, Randy played the fake idol, which Jeff Probst threw into the fire after revealing it was not real, several other contestants -- most notably, Sugar -- busted out laughing, and obnoxious Randy was sent packing.
Granted, Randy amped up the negative attitude in order to insure people would try to vote him out, thus -- in his mind at least -- making the Bob-give-me-the-idol ploy a good one, but Randy was a jerk in this game well before last night's strategy played out.
Now we get to look forward to Randy's appearance in the finale as a judge who gets to ask the finalists questions prior to the final vote to see who wins.
Get your popcorn ready.
*** We gave you the story earlier about the pallbearer that was tasered by the cops while in the middle of a funeral for his dad.
Anytime we get a story involving someone getting tasered, the clips I always lean on are...
Andrew Meyer, University of Florida - "Don't Tase Me, Bro"
and, my personal favorite, the TV reporter in Texas