Thanks to you for listening to the show, and now, visiting the blog. Spread the word.
We hope you have a great day, and that the Eagles get their act together and win tonight. Well, that last part is mainly my hope.

Today, we'll be visiting my in-laws in the afternoon, eating a full plate there, and then trekking to my brother's house, and likely having at least a half-full plate there. He and his wife -- newlyweds, married in May -- are hosting their first Thanksgiving. My parents will be there, too, and even though it will make for a late night -- for me at least -- it's going to be a lot of fun.

As funny as it is, it's also very touching, and, yes, I get choked up everytime John Candy comes over to Steve Martin's house at the end.
Plus, it's always a treat to see the scenes that were filmed at the "Braidwood Inn" -- actually, the Sun Motel -- along I-55. Coal City is also technically in the film, albeit briefly, in a scene where Martin and Candy drive by the Coal City exit.
If I can't watch Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, then I could always watch my beloved Eagles play Arizona tonight.
That'll reduce me to tears, as well.