Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Show Biz: Tuesday 11/11/08

*** Happy Veterans Day. A quick reminder...there will be coverage of the Morris Veterans Day service on our sister station, 103.1 FM, WCSJ.

*** On the show today we gave you the top 10 most irritating phrases in the English language, according to Oxford University in England. Here's the complete list:
  1. "At the end of the day"
  2. "Fairly unique"
  3. "I personally"
  4. "At this moment in time"
  5. "With all due respect"
  6. "Absolutely"
  7. "It's a nightmare"
  8. "Shouldn't of"
  9. "24/7"
  10. "It's not rocket science"
How can a list like this not include the phrase that irritates me the most, "It is what it is."

Here are a few others that are bothering me lately...

* "Recession"
* "Economic downturn"
* "Deflation"

Getting real tired of those.

*** The nominees for the People's Choice Awards have been announced. You can vote for your favorites here. The show will air on CBS January 7th.