It's the early mornings that are hitting me pretty hard.
Most of our nights in Florida went pretty late, so it's a wee bit rough adjusting to the 3:20am wakeups each weekday.
Next time you go to Disney World, make sure you do/try the following...
- The No Way Jose ice cream treat at Beaches and Cream. The restaurant is located at the Yacht and Beach Club Resort. Seek it out. Trust me.
- Tower Of Terror at Hollywood Studios. You've heard about this ride, right? Especially for first-time riders, it's a must.
- A chocolate shake at Ghirardelli's in Downtown Disney.
- Aerosmith's Rock 'N' Roller Coaster, also at Hollywood Studios. It's worth it for the first three seconds of the ride, when you go from 0 to 57 m.p.h.
- Use Fast Pass whenever possible. Try to avoid the long standby lines by getting Fast Passes for whatever ride will offer it. It allows you to come back at a certain time of day -- an hour window -- to skip the main line, and have a much shorter wait. Be prepared, though. There was even a long Fast Pass line for the most popular ride, Toy Story Mania, also at Hollywood Studios.
*** There was a brief bit of confusion during the birthday segment as to which M*A*S*H* character was portrayed by William Christopher, who had his 76th birthday on Monday. I never got to clarify on the air that it was, indeed, Father Mulcahy.
*** A couple of programming reminders that we've been mentioning on the show: Wendesday night, tune in for the Candidates Forum at 7:00. Also, Morris football hits the airwaves Friday night at 7:00. The Redskins must win at Plainfield North to make the playoffs. Tune in the next night, Saturday, at 8:00 for the Playoff Pairings Show.