Wait, have I already referred to myself in the third person in the opening paragraph?
While you ponder that, please allow me to welcome you to the official (I think) blog of The Mike Williams Morning Show, on 95.7 FM, WJDK.
This will hopefully be a place you visit throughout the day to get caught up on whatever is going on with the show, whether it's things we've mentioned on the air, reminders of upcoming events, or maybe even some behind the scenes stories, pictures, etc. that either do, or don't make it on the broadcast each day.
This thing will evolve as we go, and if you have any suggestions on what else you'd like to see here, email me.
I'll make a post for show topics called "Show Biz" with that day's date. Catchy, huh? That's where you'll find links to things that were discussed that day, or any other pertinent info related to that morning's broadcast.
When the mood strikes, there will be other various posts as well, covering whatever else is on my mind, or that of my newsman, Jay Capron.

He'll learn.
We've been waiting a long time to get this up and running, and we hope that our enthusiasm for the blog translates into a fun time for you each time you visit.
Thanks for stopping by, and come back often.